Benefits of Achilles Taping
Achilles Tendon Taping
The HealthyStep® AchillesFitKit is a convenient and effective way of managing your Achilles tendon pain and can even help calf strains. Achilles tendon pain is often triggered by an increased level of activity, and can severely limit your ability to walk and/or run. Using a combination of exercises, thoughtful and clinically designed foot orthoses, and rigid tape, pain can be managed and in time relieved and resolved.
Pain in the middle region of the Achilles tendon is proven to be relieved by rigid tape which helps reduce forces on the Achilles tendon by altering Achilles strain and/or foot posture (Martin et al, 2018; Tsai et al, 2018). Although widely used in sport, therapeutic elastic tape known as kinesio tape is not proven to be effective. The AchillesFitKit, therefore, gives you the right tools for the job.
By following our simple strapping guide to applying the tape, either daily if you have pain in daily walking, or just taping for sport and increased levels of walking, your Achilles tendon will help to get some relief it needs. The tape complements the exercises and insoles in your AchillesFixKit to provide pain reduction, speed recovery, and improve the time for your Achilles to return to normal.
Martin RL, Chimenti R, Cuddeford T, et al (2018). Achilles pain, stiffness, and muscle power deficits: Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy Revision 2018. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 48(5): A1-A38. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2018.0302
Tsai F-H, Chu I-H, Huang C-H, Liang J-M, Wu J-H, Wu W-L. (2018). Effects of taping on Achilles Tendon Protection and Kendo Performance. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 27(2): 157-164.